ABA Goal Bank (14-21 Years Old)

Communication Goals

  1. Master Advanced Communication Skills: Effectively use nuanced language in both speaking and writing.
  2. Critically Analyze and Produce Complex Texts: Engage with and produce texts that demonstrate critical analysis and synthesis of information.
  3. Excel in Public Speaking: Deliver engaging and well-structured public speeches with appropriate visual aids.
  4. Navigate Digital Communication Platforms: Use digital platforms for effective and responsible communication.
  5. Refine Persuasive Writing and Speaking Techniques: Develop arguments that are logical, evidence-based, and compelling.
  6. Adopt Professional Communication Standards: Communicate in a manner that is appropriate for professional settings.
  7. Develop Effective Negotiation Skills: Utilize negotiation strategies in personal, academic, and professional situations.
  8. Cultivate Active Listening Abilities: Demonstrate active listening to understand and engage with others fully.
  9. Practice Cross-Cultural Communication: Communicate effectively across cultural boundaries with sensitivity and awareness.
  10. Engage in Constructive Conflict Resolution: Use communication to resolve conflicts in a constructive manner.
  11. Utilize Non-Verbal Communication: Understand and effectively use non-verbal cues in communication.
  12. Enhance Digital Literacy: Navigate, evaluate, and create information through digital technologies.
  13. Understand Media Literacy: Critically evaluate media content and its influence on public opinion and behavior.
  14. Develop Empathetic Communication: Communicate with empathy and understanding in various contexts.
  15. Practice Clear and Concise Writing: Write clearly and concisely for various purposes and audiences.
  16. Improve Email Etiquette: Use email effectively for professional and academic communication.
  17. Master Technical Writing Skills: Develop the ability to write reports, proposals, and documentation clearly and effectively.
  18. Enhance Creative Writing Skills: Explore and develop skills in creative writing across genres.
  19. Navigate Conversations on Difficult Topics: Engage in discussions on complex or sensitive topics with respect and openness.
  20. Cultivate Interview Skills: Prepare for and excel in job and college interviews with effective communication strategies.
  21. Develop Academic Presentation Skills: Create and deliver academic presentations that effectively communicate research findings.
  22. Understand and Utilize Rhetorical Strategies: Apply rhetorical strategies in writing and speaking for persuasive communication.
  23. Practice Language for Influence and Leadership: Use language effectively to lead, influence, and motivate others.
  24. Enhance Communication in Team Settings: Communicate effectively within teams to facilitate collaboration and project success.
  25. Adopt Adaptive Communication Styles: Adjust communication style according to the audience, situation, and objectives.
  26. Foster Open and Honest Communication: Encourage open, honest, and respectful dialogue in all interactions.
  27. Develop Communication Strategies for Advocacy: Use communication as a tool for advocacy and social change.
  28. Cultivate a Professional Online Presence: Maintain a professional demeanor and presence on social media and online platforms.
  29. Engage in Lifelong Learning of Languages: Pursue learning additional languages to enhance communication abilities and cultural understanding.
  30. Master the Art of Storytelling: Utilize storytelling techniques to engage, inform, and persuade audiences.

Social Skills Goals

  1. Build and Sustain Meaningful Relationships: Develop deep and lasting relationships based on mutual respect and shared values.
  2. Demonstrate Social Responsibility: Actively participate in community service and civic engagement.
  3. Develop Social Networking Skills: Build and maintain a network of professional and personal contacts.
  4. Navigate Social Media with Discretion: Use social media thoughtfully, considering the impact on self and others.
  5. Exercise Leadership in Social Settings: Take leadership roles in groups and projects, demonstrating initiative and responsibility.
  6. Practice Inclusive Behavior: Promote inclusivity and diversity in social and professional settings.
  7. Understand and Apply Social Etiquette: Demonstrate appropriate manners and etiquette in various social contexts.
  8. Manage Romantic Relationships Healthily: Engage in romantic relationships with respect, communication, and healthy boundaries.
  9. Cultivate Empathy towards Diverse Perspectives: Show empathy and understanding towards people with different backgrounds and beliefs.
  10. Demonstrate Effective Teamwork Skills: Work collaboratively in teams, valuing each member’s contribution.
  11. Exercise Independence in Social Decisions: Make independent social decisions while considering their consequences.
  12. Resolve Conflicts Peacefully: Employ strategies for peaceful conflict resolution.
  13. Adapt to Different Social Norms and Settings: Adjust behavior appropriately across diverse social environments.
  14. Foster Mentor and Mentee Relationships: Engage in mentoring relationships, both as a mentor and a mentee.
  15. Navigate Workplace Social Dynamics: Understand and navigate the social dynamics of workplace environments.
  16. Develop Cultural Competence: Gain knowledge and understanding of different cultures to interact respectfully and effectively.
  17. Practice Assertiveness in Social Interactions: Communicate needs and boundaries assertively without aggression.
  18. Demonstrate Social Initiative: Take initiative in forming social connections and organizing social activities.
  19. Manage Social Anxiety: Develop strategies to cope with and overcome social anxiety.
  20. Understand and Respect Personal and Others’ Boundaries: Recognize and honor personal boundaries and those of others.
  21. Practice Gratitude in Relationships: Regularly express gratitude and appreciation in personal and professional relationships.
  22. Engage in Meaningful Conversations: Initiate and participate in conversations that are meaningful and enriching.
  23. Demonstrate Social Flexibility: Show flexibility in adapting to new social groups and situations.
  24. Develop Effective Peer Support Skills: Offer and seek peer support in times of need, fostering a supportive community.
  25. Understand Nonverbal Communication Cues: Interpret and use nonverbal cues effectively in social interactions.
  26. Cultivate a Supportive Peer Network: Build a network of peers for mutual support and growth.
  27. Manage Time Effectively in Social Commitments: Balance social commitments with personal, academic, and professional responsibilities.
  28. Practice Self-disclosure Appropriately: Share personal information thoughtfully, considering context and relationships.
  29. Demonstrate Responsiveness in Communication: Respond to others in a timely and thoughtful manner.
  30. Engage in Social Advocacy: Advocate for social causes and issues that are important to personal and community well-being.

Self-Care Skills Goals

  1. Master Personal Hygiene: Independently maintain daily hygiene practices, recognizing their importance for health and social interactions.
  2. Healthcare Self-Management: Take responsibility for scheduling healthcare appointments, managing medications, and following through with medical advice.
  3. Nutritional Planning and Preparation: Develop skills in planning and preparing balanced, nutritious meals for oneself and others.
  4. Establish a Regular Exercise Routine: Create and adhere to a personalized exercise plan that supports physical health and mental well-being.
  5. Mental Health Self-Care: Identify effective strategies for managing stress, anxiety, and other mental health challenges.
  6. Financial Literacy and Management: Gain proficiency in managing finances, including budgeting, saving, and understanding credit.
  7. Sleep Hygiene: Implement strategies to ensure a healthy sleep schedule and environment, recognizing the importance of sleep for overall well-being.
  8. Personal Safety and First Aid: Understand basic first aid and personal safety practices, including emergency response skills.
  9. Sexual Health and Responsibility: Acquire knowledge and skills related to sexual health, relationships, and consent.
  10. Time Management Skills: Develop and refine time management strategies to balance personal, academic, and, if applicable, work responsibilities.
  11. Self-Advocacy in Healthcare: Advocate for oneself in healthcare settings, asking questions and making informed decisions about treatment options.
  12. Mindfulness and Relaxation Techniques: Practice mindfulness and relaxation techniques to enhance emotional and psychological well-being.
  13. Substance Use Awareness: Understand the impacts of substance use and abuse, making informed choices regarding personal health.
  14. Navigating Public Transportation: Become proficient in using public transportation independently, including planning routes and managing fares.
  15. Driving and Road Safety: For those who choose to drive, learn safe driving practices and understand vehicle maintenance basics.
  16. Critical Thinking About Media and Health Information: Evaluate health information and advice from media and online sources critically.
  17. Personal Appearance and Grooming: Develop a personal style and grooming routine that reflects individual identity and professionalism.
  18. Environmental Awareness and Practices: Adopt environmentally responsible practices in daily life, including recycling and energy conservation.
  19. Adaptive and Resilient Mindset: Cultivate an adaptive mindset towards life changes and challenges, building resilience.
  20. Interpersonal Communication: Enhance skills in communicating personal needs and boundaries in relationships.
  21. Digital Well-being: Manage digital device usage to prevent negative impacts on physical and mental health.
  22. Self-expression Through Arts and Hobbies: Engage in artistic and hobbyist activities as a means of self-expression and stress relief.
  23. Culinary Skills for Health and Enjoyment: Explore culinary skills not only for health but also for enjoyment and creativity.
  24. Understanding and Navigating Insurance: Gain basic understanding of insurance, including health, auto, and renters’ insurance.
  25. Conflict Resolution Skills: Develop skills to resolve personal conflicts directly and respectfully.
  26. Legal Rights and Responsibilities: Understand basic legal rights and responsibilities as an emerging adult.
  27. Career and Education Planning: Actively plan for future education and career paths, including understanding requirements and setting goals.
  28. Community Engagement and Volunteering: Participate in community service and volunteering, recognizing the value of civic engagement.
  29. Travel Planning and Safety: Learn to plan and undertake travel safely, including understanding travel advisories and basic trip logistics.
  30. Home Maintenance Basics: Acquire basic skills in home maintenance and repair to foster independence and self-reliance.

Behavioral Goals

  1. Goal Setting and Achievement: Set realistic personal, academic, and career goals, and develop plans to achieve them.
  2. Emotional Regulation: Identify emotions accurately and develop strategies for managing them effectively.
  3. Proactive Problem Solving: Approach problems proactively, considering multiple solutions and outcomes.
  4. Personal Accountability: Take responsibility for actions and decisions, learning from mistakes without deflecting blame.
  5. Stress and Anxiety Management: Implement coping strategies for managing stress and anxiety, including seeking support when necessary.
  6. Time Management and Organization: Organize tasks and manage time efficiently to balance various aspects of life.
  7. Assertive Communication: Communicate needs and boundaries assertively, respecting both self and others.
  8. Self-Reflection and Growth: Regularly reflect on personal growth, acknowledging strengths and areas for improvement.
  9. Resilience in the Face of Challenges: Show resilience by adapting to setbacks and challenges with a constructive attitude.
  10. Constructive Feedback Reception: Accept and use feedback constructively for personal and professional growth.
  11. Empathy Towards Others: Demonstrate empathy and understanding in interactions, showing genuine concern for others’ feelings.
  12. Conflict Resolution: Resolve interpersonal conflicts effectively, aiming for mutually beneficial outcomes.
  13. Critical Thinking: Apply critical thinking to assess situations, make decisions, and solve problems.
  14. Positive Social Interactions: Foster positive interactions and relationships with peers, family, and colleagues.
  15. Mindfulness Practice: Incorporate mindfulness practices to enhance present-moment awareness and emotional well-being.
  16. Adaptability: Adapt to new situations and changes with flexibility and openness.
  17. Civic Responsibility and Engagement: Participate in civic activities and understand the importance of contributing to the community and society.
  18. Cultural Sensitivity and Awareness: Show sensitivity and awareness towards cultural differences in various contexts.
  19. Independence and Self-reliance: Develop independence in daily life and decision-making, relying on personal judgment and abilities.
  20. Ethical Decision Making: Make decisions based on ethical considerations and personal values.
  21. Personal and Professional Balance: Strive for a balance between personal life, education, and, if applicable, work.
  22. Leadership Skills: Exhibit leadership qualities, including initiative, motivation, and the ability to guide others.
  23. Health Advocacy: Advocate for personal and public health issues, promoting healthy choices and policies.
  24. Overcoming Procrastination: Develop strategies to overcome procrastination, focusing on prioritization and motivation.
  25. Teamwork and Collaboration: Contribute effectively to team projects and collaborations, valuing diversity and collective success.
  26. Learning from Failure: View failures as opportunities for learning and growth, rather than as setbacks.
  27. Networking and Relationship Building: Build and maintain a network of supportive personal and professional relationships.
  28. Maintaining Positive Attitudes: Cultivate a positive outlook towards life’s possibilities and challenges.
  29. Self-Motivation: Find internal motivation to pursue goals, interests, and responsibilities without external prompting.
  30. Environmental Stewardship: Act as a steward for the environment, understanding the impact of personal actions on global sustainability.